It didn’t take long for Microsoft to give up on releasing Windows 7 Beta today.  The servers have been hammered so hard today that visitors all day long have been greeted with Server Busy messages.  At this time there is no word of when exactly the beta will be available again but more than likely Microsoft will do it more quietly and with less of an exact start time.

Microsoft drastically underestimated peoples eagerness to get away from Vista and actually enjoy their computing experience.  While the beta will expire August 1st that is still more than half a year with a functional operating system.  While Windows 7 is still in beta it’s substantially more stable and less annoying than Vista.  Personally I would rather trust any data I have to a Windows 7 beta than Windows Vista SP1.

UPDATE, This message was posted to the Technet website later on today:: Thanks for your interest in the Windows 7 Beta. The volume has been phenomenal — we’re in the process of adding more servers to handle the demand. We’re sorry for the delay and we’ll re-post the Beta as soon as we can ensure a quality download experience.

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