
After much turmoil regarding the limited amount of applications released Microsoft has now announced that they will be discontinuing the Ultimate Extras program.  This comes as no surprise to Windows Vista Ultimate users as they gave up hope long ago.

The announcement was buried this week with the release of Microsoft announcing the Windows 7 versions but somehow Ars Technica noticed.  Thankfully Microsoft is abandoning the whole thing and getting back to what matters (maybe?), operating systems.

Ultimate Extras were supposed to be a way for purchasers of Windows Vista Ultimate to get applications that were only available to them.  The idea was very good and it had great potential but the team in charge just couldn’t make it happen.

Before Windows Vista was released I was able to check out many of the applications that were candidates to be Ultimate Extras.   Quite simply some of the applications were genius.  They were programs that really made the user feel they were getting something special and would even to this day rival other applications out there.

mediacentergadgetUnfortunately only a couple (the easiest to develop) ever made it into users hands and it really is a shame.  Thankfully one of those applications that was an Ultimate Extra candidate did see the light of day, The Media Center Gadget .

Check It Out> Ars Technica