OS X vs Windows 7

Gizmodo has a very interesting article claiming that the Windows 7 Taskbar is better than the OS X Dock.  When I first read the title I said No Way but after reading it and realizing just how frustrating the OS X Dock can be I am inclined to agree with them.

Either way I don’t really care for either option as it  don’t like to keep huge amounts of programs open at one time.  I am a little type A on my resource usage and prefer my computers to be running at optimal performance.  The Windows 7 taskbar and the Mac OS X dock both encourage users to leave items open instead of closing them when they don’t need them.  Previously with Adobe products such as Photoshop I would leave them open if I was going to be using them again later because they take so long to start.  Now with the CS4 versions of the products they are fast to open and operate so there is no need to keep them open.  If this wasn’t an OS related blog I think I would be writing about how much better Adobe has gotten.

UPDATE:: If you look closely you can see they have torrented some videos and have them open in the screen shots….

Check It Out> Gizmodo