adobeAdobe Flash support has been a really hot topic for a long time concerning mobile phones.  There are a few plugins out there that will enable basic support but they are very different from their desktop cousin.  This is going to be changing next year when Adobe finally releases a version of their software for mobile devices.  This is long needed step forward for mobile phones but unfortunately it is not going to be available for one very widely used device, the Apple iPhone.

Google Android, Palm Pre, Windows Mobile and Symbian will all be getting Flash sometime in 2010 as announced by Adobe this week.   The most likely reasoning behind the delay for iPhone support is due to Apple restrictive policies on applications supported on the iPhone.

Apple has been working with Adobe for a long time in an attempt to get Flash support on the iPhone but Apple has one specific request that is difficult for Adobe to fulfill.  Apple does not want people to be able to circumvent their application purchasing method by just using Flash based applications.  For the sake of control and profit they are punishing their customers.

It remains to be seen how long it will take Adobe to create an iPhone version of Flash.  I suspect that once people realize they can get many of the same (and sometimes better) features on another device they will choose the competitions.

Check It Out> Adobe, Cnet, Scobleizer