It appears as if Microsoft is not replenishing supplies of the Windows 7 Family Pack that sold for $149.99. The Family Pack was 3 upgrade licenses for those of us that have multiple computers in our household. While Microsoft did say that this package would only be for a limited time, I think Microsoft needs to keep it around for a while longer. At this point it has only been available for 6 weeks which either makes it a very limited release, or it was so popular that Microsoft actually did sell all available copies.

Microsoft has not responded to either Paul Thurrott’s or Ed Bott’s questions about this yet and more than likely will just try to keep this under the radar. No matter why Microsoft has not replenished these supplies I am still happy that they offered it at least for a little while. It gave many of us a chance to purchase Windows 7 for our machines without breaking the bank.

If you are still waiting to purchase Windows 7, keep an eye out for the elusive Family Pack and save yourself some money.

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